Welcome to another special segment of the Learning Communities series focused on self-care. This session features a mediation moment focused on mindfulness presented by Ms. Shana Simmons.
Ms. Simmons, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with the NSU Counseling Center, shares tips, tools and her take on mindfulness by leading listeners on a guided meditation. Join us for this demonstration. And, bookmark this episode and utilize this information in between classes, before or after an exam and before you go to sleep.
tips tease
Mindfulness helps improve focus and responds to stress in an effective manner.
- NSU Counseling Center
- Insight Timer app
NOTE: Inclusion of tools not provided by NSU is not an endorsement.
This episode was hosted and produced by Ms. Angel Eason, with an assist from Dr. Felicia Mebane.
Photo: Ms. Eason, Ms. Simmons, and Dr. Mebane. Screenshot taken by Ms. Eason.