Join Dr. Mebane and Mr. Watkins as they meet Mr. Clarence Harris to discuss what it takes to succeed in accounting classes and why they are important for (almost) everyone. Mr. Harris’ takes on tips and tools reflect his perspective as a CPA, adjunct professor and rapper. Stay tuned after the credits for some awesome bars (IYKYK) about real estate and how they can be used to help students understand technical terms and complex ideas.

Stay tuned for new episodes now posted on #TipsTuesdays.


tips tease

    You have to have the right mindset to succeed. 


    Find a mentor, especially someone who is doing what you aspire to do.


    This episode was hosted by Dr. Mebane and Mr. Watkins. Photo: L to R. Mr. Harris, Mr. Watkins and Dr. Mebane. Screenshot taken by Dr. Mebane.