As a student, when deadlines come up within the university, we receive countless emails reminding us to plan ahead and be responsible for our academic plans. One reminder we receive each semester includes the add or drop date for classes. Many times, we see the date and are not completely sure about how to make the best decisions for our academic plan.This episode explains in depth the purpose of adding and dropping classes and the benefits or downfalls that could potentially happen.

This episode starts with a conversation between the hosts, Dr. Mebane and Ms. White, who focus on tips and takes. To make sure that they covered the key points, they talked with Ms. Ashley Vaughn before the recording. Ms. Vaughn is a academic advisor in the Dr. Patricia Lynch Stith Student Success Center.

Make sure to tune in and add any classes for fall 2020 by September 4th.


tips tease

  • Keep your academic plan in mind before adding or dropping classes
  • Make sure your financial aid isn’t effected after adding or dropping
  • Pay attention to deadlines (Fall 2020’s add deadline is September 4th.)


Mentioned in the Episode

  • Your faculty mentor or advisor (department)
  • Your Student Success Center advisor (freshmen and sophomores
  • Financial Aid Office

NOTE: Links to resources outside of NSU are not an endorsement.



 This episode was hosted by Dr. Mebane and Ms. White and produced by Ms. Tresstin White, with an assist from Dr. Mebane.

Photo 1: L to R. Ms. Tresstin White and Dr. Mebane.

Photo 2: L to R. Ms. Tresstin White, Ms. Ashley Vaughn and Dr. Mebane.

Screenshots taken by Ms White.